Notice of Regular Membership Meeting of the Clark County Republican Central Committee Fervent Chapel, Las Vegas 4295 N Rancho Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89130 Dear Fellow Republicans, Pursuant to § 8.1 of the Clark County Republican Central Committee (CCRCC) Bylaws, the Members of the CCRCC are hereby called to a Regular Meeting of the CCRC, which will be called to order at 7:00PM, to be held on Tuesday, November […]
Bi-Monthly Meeting of the CCRP Precinct Outreach Committee for Precinct Captain Reports, Training and Recruiting both in person at the CCRP Henderson Office and remotely from computer, tablet or smart phone clicking on the link below under Website. If you are not a member of the committee you will be asked to identify yourself in […]
"You will not believe what “reformers” have devised to tinker with and manipulate our elections. It is called ranked choice voting (or “instant runoff voting”)—but it is really a scheme to disconnect elections from issues and allow candidates with marginal support from voters to win elections. In the end, it is all about political power, […]