- This event has passed.
Las Vegas Conservative Town Hall
June 12, 2024 @ 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Our next meeting will be Wednesday, June 12, 2024 at Red Lobster, 200 S Decatur Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89107. Doors open at 6:00 p.m. Meeting starts at: 7:00 p.m. Meetings usually end before 8:30 p.m. Price will now be $5. You can pay for food and drinks of your choice from the regular menu. Prepayment of the $5 meeting fee via Zelle to [email protected]. RSVPs required. RSVP on the website: LVCTG.org.
We are inviting suggestions for future speakers. Please contact us at [email protected]. with suggestions.
Volunteer Nevada! is running 2024 primary election observation classes both in person and online in May and June. Go to www.volunteernevada.com for more information
The Spring Mountain Republican Women and Turning Point Action Moms Coalition are hosting a “The Power of Women to Make a Difference!” event Sunday afternoon on August 18, 2024
We continue to need volunteers. Reply to this email.
RSVP via email to Daniel Rego at [email protected] or on the website LVCTG.org. People submitting timely RSVPs will be admitted first. Those not submitting timely RSVPs or those arriving without RSVPs will not be admitted until after 6:30 p.m., allowing those who timely submitted their RSVPs to be seated first.
Reminder: our group DOES NOT endorse or donate to candidates. In this regard, requests to sanction members for conduct outside of the group will not be honored. If someone engages in inappropriate behavior directly affecting the group, then we’ll act. LVCTG offer a forum where candidates and others can speak. We invite you to join us at a meeting and become better informed about our community, city and state.
We would like to remind everyone that the Townhall Group exists to provide friendly and civilized discussion with respectful dialog where everyone can speak. People, even conservatives, can disagree but we must eschew anger and keep the Townhall peaceful and constructive.
** We encourage you to ask questions and civility is REQUIRED!
June 12, 2024 Confirmed Speakers
John Tsarpalas
from Nevada Policy, speaking on Question 3 (ranked choice ballot)
John Tsarpalas is the President of the Nevada Policy Research Institute and is deeply committed to spreading limited government ideas and policy to create a better, more prosperous Nevada for all. For over three decades, John has educated others in the ideals and benefits of limited government. John also founded or helped start the following educational not-for-profits: Think Freely Media, the Haym Salomon Center – where he served as Chairman, the Franklin Center for Government & Public Integrity and Midwest Speaking Professionals. John has been President of Nevada Policy Research Institute for seven years.
Danielle Gallant
Nominee for State Assembly District 23
Danielle is fighting to protect and preserve those same opportunities that brought her to Nevada for future generations to come. She believes in limited government, lower taxes, and individual freedoms. She is also a tireless education advocate who wants to empower parents and is fighting to expand school choice. Currently Danielle sits on the Judiciary Committee, Growth and Infrastructure Committee, and Revenue Committee.
7380 S. Eastern Ave #123, Las Vegas, NV 898123 | 725-272-7798 | [email protected]
Melissa Lynn Spence
Nominee for State Assembly District 15
Melissa Lynn has always seen Las Vegas as her final living place. Coming to Nevada 20 years ago for the first time, she knew one day it would be home. After visiting many times over the years, she finally made the move in the fall of 2017. As a radio host, Melissa Lynn was able to cover some local games and meet the fantastic citizens of Las Vegas. She soon after started her own show with a main focus of helping non-profits and the community. The policies put in place due to Covid -19 destroyed her business. This did not steal her passion to serve! During these past few years Melissa Lynn has been working on her new business that not only helps create jobs, but business owners as well.
We are now on Twitter: https://twitter.com/LVConTH
We are now on Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/LasVegasConservativeTownhall
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LVCTG.org
E-mail: [email protected]
Las Vegas Conservative Town Hall Group
Las Vegas Conservative Town Hall Group
Las Vegas Conservative Town Hall Group
Las Vegas Conservative Town Hall Group